Postpartum Doula Services

Birth is a moment. Postpartum is forever.

Postpartum is a tender time for families as they welcome in a new life. It is the journey of finding your own unique confidence and rhythm with parenting. From the first moment you meet your baby and onward, every family deserves to be held in love and support.

As a postpartum doula, I provide: 

  • Holistic and healthful meal prep, focusing on healing and warming foods,

  • Light herbal support,

  • Breastfeeding education,

  • Assistance and guidance with all ways of feeding a baby, held in the strong belief that empowered, nourished, educated fed is best,

  • Baby massage education,

  • Baby wearing education,

  • Extensive knowledge and support for postpartum mood and mental health,

  • Intuitive and compassionate newborn care, parenting support, and non judgmental advice, “baby poop demystefier”,

  • Access to a comprehensive list of resources, providers, classes and services in the community,

  • Phone, text, and email access,

  • Support for older siblings, adjusting to life with a new baby.

Postpartum Care Packages

  • New Moon/A la Carte

    $40/hour daytime

    $50/hour overnight

    Flexible postpartum care hours that are free to shift based on your week-to-week support goals. 4 hour minimum each week.

  • Quarter Moon


    A smaller package that establishes confidence and care in the first 2-3 weeks postpartum. Includes 1 prenatal “nest prep” visit, 10 hours of in-home daytime support, continuous phone and text support, and 1 hour birth story integration session.

  • Waxing Moon


    The most comprehensive package that offers full-spectrum support. Includes 1 prenatal “nest prep” visit, 15 hours of in-home daytime support, 8 hours of overnight support, continuous phone and text support, and 2 1-hour birth story integration sessions.

Special Packages

  • Blood Moon


    The only package that includes placenta encapsulation. Blood Moon offers 1 prenatal “nest prep” visit, full placenta encapsulation services, and 10 hours of in-home daytime postpartum care.

  • Milk Moon


    A package that focuses on all things lactation and baby feeding. Includes 2 comprehensive prenatal breast/chestfeeding education sessions (non-clinical), lactation-nourishing tea blends and foods, and 15 hours of daytime, in-home postpartum care.

  • Harvest Moon


    Dedicated to nutrition, nourishment, and food-centered joy anytime in the first 2 years postpartum. Include a personalized menu of meals, snacks, and beverages, in-home meal prep services, and grocery shopping.

What You Can Expect at a Postpartum Visit:

I’ll meet with you once prenatally to discuss the basics of postpartum care, create a care plan, and review any questions you have about being prepared for baby.

After baby arrives, I’ll debrief your birth with you, revisit the care plan, and provide any initial answers to questions about feeding, mood, or baby care.

After that initial visit, I provide everything from meal preparation, errand running, and light housekeeping, to processing birth trauma, talking in depth about postpartum mental health, and self care practices. I also will provide herbal support with tea blends, broths, sitz baths, and steams.

My support is not limited to just the parent who gave birth! My support extends to all members of the family, including partners, siblings, grandparents, and friends. I have extensive experience working directly with client’s other providers to create a full-circle feeling of support.

As a member of Perinatal Support Washington, I specialize in working with families that have experienced traumatic births, previous losses, postpartum depression and perinatal mood disorders. My work is always trauma-informed and without judgement.

Ready to talk more?

Contact me today to get started

I believe everyone, regardless of race, economics, gender and age, deserves quality care, and finances should never be a barrier.
Contact me if you have any questions about my rates.


What areas do you serve?

I serve families in Whatcom, Skagit and north Snohomish county. I attend births at any hospitals, birth centers, and homes.

How do you accept payment? Do you require a deposit?

I accept cash, check, Venmo, and PayPal. I ask for a 25% deposit at our first prenatal meeting, and the balance to be paid by our last postpartum meeting. 

What kinds of questions should I ask you during our initial interview?

Check out my free resource on “What Questions To Ask During Your Doula Interview”.

Do you work with back up doulas?

Yes! Although I have only needed to call a back up twice, I work closely with other doulas in the community to assure that you will be supported even in the event of an emergency. You’re welcome to meet my back ups during our time working together.

I already plan on having my partner at the birth. Do we need a doula?

Doula support is not only for the birthing person. My job is to surround the whole family with care. I take time in our meetings to include partners and spouses, encourage participation, and answer all the questions. At the birth, I will make sure everyone is hydrated, rested, and nourished, and offer emotional and informational support throughout our time together. Often, it’s the partners that praise with gratitude the most!

What about COVID19?

In the state of Washington, doulas are considered essential healthcare workers. Because of this, I have had extensive training and educating on how to work safely while we are in a pandemic. Visits are predominantly conducted virtually, i.e. Zoom, etc. In-person visits greatly depend on the local COVID19 climate, the needs of a family, and assessing the benefits and risks beforehand. I work in accordance with CDC guidelines, and use proper PPE at all times. I follow the protocols of your birthing location. For more resources on birthing during COVID19, feel free to check out my blog.

What techniques do you offer to help during my labor?

The best part of being a doula is that my role is fluid and flexible. Over my years of my passions being centered around birth, I’ve developed a skillset that is able to serve any family. I can offer support with Spinning Babies positions to bring balance to the body during pregnancy and labor, provide acupressure, and comforting massage. If you prefer a more hands-off approach, I love working with affirmations, songs, mantras, prayers, and various breathing techniques. Sometimes it means you won’t even realize I’m there, making my moves under the radar, so you can focus on yourself and your baby. Maybe we will find a rhythm, talk through what is going on in your mind and body, slow dance, or find relief in the tub or shower. Maybe what you wanted originally isn’t what you want in the big moments. Even though I come with my bag of tricks, often the most potent technique is just listening!