Full Spectrum Support

What is Full Spectrum Support?

A Full Spectrum Doula, as defined by Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings is “a non-medically trained community care worker who offers support to people during the full spectrum of pregnancy – from preconception, to birth, to abortion, to miscarriage, to adoption, to postpartum. Full spectrum birth workers actively practice being open and aware of the diverse reproductive needs and experiences people have, in light of their identity, background, preferences, lived experiences, and so on. “ In this context, I’m highlighting Full Spectrum support to lean into the experience of pregnancy loss, through miscarriage and abortion.

Why does this work matter?

One in three people will choose abortion in their lifetimes, and up to 20% of all known pregnancies will result in miscarriage. There are often profound feelings that accompany both of these experiences, and sometimes in unexpected combinations; grief, pain, relief, joy, to name a few. These feelings are meant to be held in love, nuance, respect and care. I aim to support families through these passages, providing nourishing physical support, education, all-options counsel, and active listening during and after a loss. The importance of non-judgmental, non-medical emotional support during these times is to help validate, integrate, celebrate, and otherwise create a safe space to feel whatever is coming up.

Abortion Support

Choosing to end a pregnancy can feel like an empowering decision, and it can also feel complicated. My support is here to honor your choices and support you through the experience, physically and emotionally.

What specific situations / clients do I work with?

  • Individuals who are seeking all-options counsel

  • Individuals experiencing or anticipating an abortion

  • Individuals who are integrating from a past abortion

What does this support look like?

My support is non-medical, gender-affirming and trauma-humble. Sometimes it will be meeting at a clinic with my clients. Sometimes coming over and feeding them something nourishing and being a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes it’s engaging in conversations about hormones and the postpartum period after abortion. Sometimes it can be story sharing to validate and offer guidance when making the choices you need to make.

My support is defined by you. Sometimes it’s not about doing anything at all, but knowing that someone is there to support you and listen to you that can make a huge difference.

Loss support can be virtual, over the phone, or in person.

All-options counsel is always free.